About BruceBruce Campelia was born in Boston, Massachusetts and now resides in St. Paul, Minnesota. He holds degrees in engineering and business, as well as a PhD in Natural Health. He has travelled extensively throughout America and the world over the years. He is the father of three girls, loves music, and is an avid hiker.
In His Own WordsThe Light Passers Chronicles series was created based on my own journey: my desire to write, but not doing it until late in life.
My quest for knowledge about, participation in, and ties to different spiritualities: Buddhism, Native American philosophy, Quakerism, Protestantism, Islam, Catholicism. My extensive personal and business travels involving various regions & cultures of the world: 49 of the 50 American states, Europe, North Africa, Hong Kong, Japan, Mexico, and other areas. My education: engineering, physics, math, business, and health. My desire to get others actively involved in, and rewarded by, this crusade to: Find the Light in others - join together and pass that light throughout the world. |