HOPE IN A TIME OF CHAOSAt a time when we seem to be losing our collective moral compass as humans, Light Passers Chronicles delivers a message of hope, following the journey of four empowered teens as their collective power helps them overcome the forces of evil that divide us today.
The series offers a glimpse of a possible path forward, a way out, by tapping into the light that resides in every child, young adult, and adults of all ages, and in every corner of the globe. |
Get the next installment of The Light Passers Chronicles: Of Love and Peace
Light Passers Chronicles is a mystery-adventure series inspired by the themes found in books like The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, & The Wardrobe, and Lord of the Rings.
Author Bruce Campelia combines elements of fantasy, mystery, historical fiction, and spirituality. Set in today’s world, this series delivers messages of unity and hope we’re so desparately in need of to overcome the forces dividing us here in the United States, as well as the conflicts in Isreal, Palestine, and throughout the world. This thrilling mystery will take you on a journey like no other, as four diverse teens are brought together through catastrophe, who will ultimately carry the light for hope to rescue the world from its current self-distructive path of greed, fear and hatred. Join our Light Passers in this comming of age story as they learn to depend on each other to grow and learn universal truths about how we must all act in order to save ourselves and humanity. |
Author Bruce Camelia delves into the central themes and inspirations behind what makes the Light Passers Chronicles a becon of light in sea of dystopian futures. A must-read for readers young and old, joign the adventure and “Pass The Light of Kindness”.
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